
The current curriculum at 电子游戏软件 and many other colleges and universities do not offer enough opportunities for students to learn about the Asian Pacific Islanders (API) in the history of the United States. 当我们读到或听到api的时候, we are often given information about how they were victims to discriminatory acts and torture. 有时,我们会了解到一些人是如何坚持下来的. 更常见的, we hear about these “aliens” or “foreigners” who have “acclimated” and learned to “fit in.” The implicit and maybe even explicit message is that the APIs are “outsiders” trying to “fit in” to the “American” way despite the fact that Asian Pacific Islanders have lived in the United States for well over a century and have contributed significantly to its economy, 文化, 和历史.

因为这个原因,还有更多, the APAHM celebration at 电子游戏软件 is an attempt to teach (or remind) every one of us that the APIs are not outsiders or “sojourners.” Further, their history in America should not be read as an “add-on” to American history. 相反,它是美国历史的一大块. Without the APIs in United States, the America as we know it today will not be the same.


The idea of 亚太裔传统月 (APAHM) was introduced to the House of Representatives in June 1977 by Frank Horton of NY and Norman Mineta of CA. The resolution called for the president to establish the first ten days of May as Asian/Pacific Heritage Week.

一个月后, it was introduced in a similar bill to the senate by Daniel Inouye and Spark Matsunaga. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a resolution designating that time period as an annual celebration. In 1990, President George Bush designated the whole month of May to be 亚太裔传统月. May was chosen in order to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States in 1843.


2003年以前, 电子游戏软件 Asian student 文化 clubs have hosted various events to commemorate Asian Americans. 学生们没有, 然而, collectively sponsored the celebration of 亚太裔传统月 (APAHM), 每年五月举行.

Realizing that the university does not celebrate this month, representatives from the Office of AHANA Student 项目, 国际合作与项目中心, and the 职业中心 began to organize an event in honor of APAHM. At the same time, several Asian student clubs were making a similar effort. 与亚洲学生社团合作, the three offices worked to coordinate the First Celebration of 亚太裔传统月 at 电子游戏软件 in April 2003.


太频繁, the memories of and efforts made by Asian Pacific Americans (APA's) are forgotten or even unknown. 以下是这些贡献的简短列表.

  • APA在美国军队中有着令人难以置信的记录. 日裔美国人, 特别是, played a great part during World War II in the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

  • APA's have been instrumental in the construction of the western half of the transcontinental railroad.

  • APA's were vital in turning the western deserts into fertile farmlands.

    除了他们的努力, the suffering and struggles of Asian Pacific Americans have also been disregarded. 下面是一些例子:

    • 日裔美国人 were placed in what we now call Internment Camps during World War II because both countries were at war. Innocent law-abiding Japanese American citizens were unjustly subjugated.

    • 在铁路系统建设期间, the Chinese Americans were paid the lowest wages to do the most dangerous parts of the work, i.e.引爆炸药. Those who died from the explosives were simply forgotten. Their families back in China did not receive any compensation for their loss.

    • The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was enacted because the "Government of the United States felt the coming of Chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory." This was the first and only legal regulation that the US has ratified to preclude an ethnic group from entering this country.

    • For centuries, APA's were discriminated against in this country because of the color of their skin.

      Reality is that all people of all races and ethnic backgrounds have endured pain and triumphs. 但, humans often focus on the differences instead of the commonalities due to a lack of knowledge, 理解, 有时是尊重. This is why it is crucial to educate to foster that mutual 理解 and respect for one another.

      In honor of the Asian Pacific Americans who have made contributions and sacrifices for the betterment of the United States and their citizens, 并努力教育彼此, the APAHM Committee proudly organizes the celebration of 亚太裔传统月.


      It is the mission of the 亚太裔传统月 Committee to promote awareness, appreciation and 理解 of Asian Pacific American 文化 and experience. Implicit in the mission is the Committee's commitment to encourage mutual respect for cultural diversity of all racial and ethnic groups. It is also in the interest of the Committee to foster the positive growth of APA youth in developing and establishing their identity.
