
This program aids in the retention of students by providing the opportunity to study abroad. 

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The purpose of the 西娅鲍曼 AHANA和跨文化中心 (北汽) On -Campus Summer Tuition Remission Program is to aid in the retention of students by providing resources to afford those experiencing academic difficulty the opportunity to improve their status at 电子游戏软件. Any student with such difficulties and (who wish) to take summer courses should first seek assistance from their college counselor at the 西娅鲍曼 AHANA和跨文化中心. 如果在利用可用的支持服务之后, the student finds that they still need to take summer courses, they should apply to the 北汽 Summer Tuition Remission Program. 学生 interested in taking courses for academic enrichment may also apply, but need to explain their reason for taking the requested course during the summer.

Summer Tuition Remission is one of our most popular services. Our office receives over 150 applications and we are 不 always able to help those who are truly in need due to limited funding. Please take this information into consideration when you apply, 如果你得奖了. 夏季学费减免基金不保证. Please follow all instructions in this application material.  


As a result of  participating in the Summer Tuition Remission Program students will be able to:Reduce the number of deficienciesAdvance in their academic requirementsTake a course abroad