If there is an urgent clinical/personal crisis during working hours, students can come in on the same day to meet with the Psychological 紧急 Clinician (PEC). These are usually 20-30 minute as-needed sessions that focus on crisis management. The primary goals are stabilization and safety so that the student can move on to next steps.


  • 虽然紧急程度取决于每个学生的经历, typical presenting issues to emergency services are: thoughts of harming oneself or others, 由于心理健康问题有挂科的风险, 麻痹焦虑,限制日常活动, and BC community is concerned about a student’s behavior or level of distress.
  • 类似于任何紧急护理或急诊室, 人们可能不得不等待下一个可用的急诊临床医生. Most waits do not exceed 30 minutes and we try our best to triage the most clinically urgent cases.



1. During Regular working hours (8:45AM–4:00PM, Monday–Friday) call 617–552–3310

  • 如果你在校园里,这是一个危及生命的紧急情况 call the 电子游戏软件 Police at 617-552-4444.
  • If you are off campus and this is a life-threatening emergency call 911.
  • If you have an urgent problem that requires immediate assistance please call or come to 大学辅导服务 in Gasson 001 and ask to with speak with the Psychological 紧急 Clinician (PEC).

2. 下班后和周末

  • If you have a problem you would like to discuss with one of our staff members and it can wait until the next business day please call 咨询服务 at 617-552-3310 and follow prompts to be connected to the Psychological 紧急 Clinician (PEC).
  • If you have an urgent problem that requires immediate assistance please call 617-552-3310, 按选项2,并要求与不在校园的PEC通话.   

如果你在校园里,这是一个危及生命的紧急情况, 拨打电子游戏软件警察617-552-4444.

If you are off campus and this is a life-threatening emergency call 911.



呼叫 617-552-3310  
周一到周五晚上8点45分到4点之间的紧急联系.m. 应该叫
617–552–3310, 按选项2, to speak with the Psychological 紧急 Clinician.


周一至周五上午8:45.m. 到下午4:45.m.





In our efforts to provide quicker access to services to students who need support in problem solving a specific issue and not necessarily ongoing therapy, we are offering same-day 30-minute consultations with one of our clinicians. These are meant to be one-time consultation sessions to clarify your goals for treatment and problem solve a specific concern (e.g., 关于室友或关系冲突的建议, 如何最好地管理压力, 关于焦虑的应对技巧, 帮助做决定). The consultation meeting is designed to be goal-oriented so that you can leave with set of next steps. 如果学生将来想要/需要跟进, 他们可以打电话请求再来一次, 当天咨询.


  • Appointments are only scheduled for the same-day and are first come, first served
  • This is a one-time consultation and is not meant for ongoing psychotherapy
  • 任何随访都可能是由不同的临床医生进行的
  • 在心中有一个明确的目标会有所帮助
  • Arrive to the session 10-15 minutes early to fill out demographic and clinical information


If a student is looking for short to mid-term counseling or needs help figuring out what treatment is most appropriate, 他们可以安排20分钟的电话分诊预约, during which a clinician will gather information regarding the primary concern and collaborate with the student to make appropriate treatment recommendations (e.g., 短期个体化治疗, 加州大学洛杉矶分校的团体治疗, 校外治疗, 或其他校园资源).


  • Find a quiet and private space to receive the 20-minute phone call from UCS
  • This is a quick assessment of your clinical needs and not a full evaluation session
  • There could be multiple outcomes including suggestion for group therapy, 校外转诊, 短期心理治疗, 或其他校园或网络资源
注意:您不能为其他人预约. 所有预约必须由寻求咨询的人进行. You can make an appointment to consult with a counselor regarding concerns about another person.






  • 重复的缺席 
  • 错过作业、考试或约会
  • 工作质量或数量的下降
  • 极度混乱或不稳定的表现 
  • 不寻常暴力的书面或艺术表现, 社会隔离, 绝望还是困惑, 一心想着自杀或死亡
  • 不断寻求特别规定(e.g.(延期作业,补考)
  • 完美主义的模式.g. 不能接受除A以外的任何成绩)
  • Overblown or disproportionate response to grades or other evaluations


  • 直接表达痛苦、家庭问题或损失 
  • 愤怒或敌意的爆发,大喊大叫或攻击性的评论
  • 孤僻,积极性低
  • Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness; crying or tearfulness
  • 极度焦虑或烦躁的表现
  • 过分要求或依赖的行为
  • 对教授或工作人员的宣传没有回应 
  • 颤抖、颤抖、坐立不安或踱步
  • 比平时更活跃,兴奋,过于热情


  • 外貌或个人卫生状况的恶化
  • Excessive fatigue, exhaustion, falling asleep in class repeatedly
  • Visible changes in weight, statements about change in appetite or sleep
  • 明显的割伤、擦伤或烧伤
  • 常见病或慢性病
  • 语无伦次,语速快或口齿不清,混乱 
  • 无法进行眼神交流 
  • 睡眼惺忪,带着酒精或大麻的味道来上课 


In any given situation, there are several right ways to reach out to students in a caring manner. 唯一的风险是什么都不做.


管理员随时待命(通过BCPD) 617-552-4444

心理急诊临床医生(PEC) 617-552-3310


  1. 直接和学生说话
  2. 将学生介绍给适当的资源 
  3. 如果有疑问,请咨询


你不会担任顾问的角色. You need only to listen, care and offer resource referral information.

  • 在一个安静的地方单独见面
  • 设定一个充满希望的基调
  • 表达你的关心和关心
  • 指出你观察到的具体行为
  • Listen attentively to the student’s response and encourage him or her to talk
  • 建议资源和推荐
  • 避免承诺保密
  • 后续计划

请注意:除非学生有自杀倾向或对他人有危险, the ultimate decision to access resources belongs with the student. 


解释你的知识和经验的局限性. The referral resource has the resources to assist the student in a more appropriate manner.

  • 提供名称, phone number and office location of the referral resource or walk the student to the referral resource
  • If you walk student to referral resource, inform the resource of your concerns. 如果学生没带你去的话, notify the resource of your concerns by phone prior to the student’s arrival.
  • 要知道你提供的帮助可能会被拒绝
  • 保持沟通渠道畅通. 跟进学生


  • 你的主管或同事 
  • 学术顾问
  • 系主任或副院长
  • 电子游戏正规平台生项目管理员 
  • 大学辅导服务
  • 大学保健处
  • 学生主任办公室
  • 公元前的警察
  • 住宅生活

情况是这样的 紧急的 if: 

  • There are written or verbal statements that mention despair, suicide, or death.
  • 严重的绝望、抑郁、孤立和退缩
  • Statements that suggest the student is “going away for a long time” 

If a student is exhibiting any of these signs, s/he may pose an immediate danger to her/himself. 在这种情况下, you should stay with the student and contact 大学辅导服务 at 617-552–3310.

After hours you can access the Psychological 紧急 Clinician by calling 617-552-3310, 按选项2.

情况是 紧急 if:

  • Physical or verbal aggression is directed at self, others, or property
  • The student is unresponsive to the external environment; he or she is: incoherent or passed out, 脱离现实/表现出精神病, 表现出彻底的破坏性行为
  • 这种情况对你或其他人来说是威胁或危险的

If you are concerned about immediate threats to safety, call the 公元前的警察: 617-552–4444.


Rest assured, no matter what pathway you choose, the BC network of support is here for you.