
In group counseling, a small number of people meet together with one or two of our psychologists to help themselves and one another. 加入一个团体提供了与他人一起学习和相互学习的机会, 理解自己和他人的思想和行为模式, 并了解团队成员之间的反应. 你会发现,也许你并不像你想象的那么与众不同,或者你并不孤单. 你将与人们见面并互动,整个团队将学习如何解决共同的问题. 团体咨询帮助人们做出重大改变,让他们对自己的生活质量感觉更好.

Anxiety Toolbox

焦虑工具箱是为那些与压倒性焦虑作斗争的学生准备的. 在小组中,学生将学习焦虑,并发展更好地管理焦虑的技能. 要安排一个简短的会议,以了解更多关于该集团,请致电617.552.3310.

WAVES: Learn to Surf Your Emotions

WAVES小组是为那些难以控制自己情绪的学生而设的. 该小组使用辩证行为疗法(DBT), a well-established treatment model in which members learn specific skills for reducing their suffering and regaining control of their lives. These skills address the following: 

  • Mindfulness 去体验和接受生活的本来面目
  • Distress tolerance 感谢你在痛苦和危机中幸存下来,没有让事情变得更糟
  • Emotional regulation 减少脆弱,反应和痛苦
  • Interpersonal effectiveness 为了满足需求,说不和处理冲突

这个小组的结构类似于课堂或研讨会.  小组时间将侧重于教授和练习技能,而不是公开讨论. 会员的问题将被视为学习和练习技能的机会.

请联系小组协调人,Adi Inbar, LICSW,获取更多信息:617-552-3310 | inbara@sotanomc.net



How to Get the Most Out of Group

Podcasts and Blogs

To Hell and Back,这是一个由医学博士查理·斯文森主持的播客,内容涉及DBT技能

NEA BPD Blog,一系列关于DBT如何帮助被诊断为边缘型人格障碍的人的帖子.


Official DBT Website

DBT Self Help一个提供很多有用信息的非专业网站.

加州大学洛杉矶分校正念意识电子游戏正规平台中心 free guided meditations


DBT Self-Help

DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach

DBT Skills Card


The Mindfulness App


Skills Videos

以下视频解释了DBT技能组中涉及的一些材料. 请注意,有些视频是由心理健康专业人士制作的.g., the ones featuring Dr. Marsha Linehan, the creator of DBT), while others were created by people who have been in DBT programs and want to share their non-professional knowledge. 

Mindfulness: States of Mind


Mindfulness: "What" Skills

  • Observe注意当下的经历,不要给它们贴上标签.
  • Describe只要说出你观察到的东西,不要做判断或解释. 
  • Participate全身心地投入到当下.


Mindfulness: "How" Skills

  • Non-judgment:通知和放弃评估(1).e., "good," "bad," or "should").
  • One-mindfulness把你的全部注意力集中在当下的一件事或一项任务上. 
  • Effectiveness把注意力集中在有效的或实现目标所需要的东西上. 



















  • 寻找关系:积极寻找联系,进行交谈,并加入. 
  • 结束关系:认识到破坏性的关系,并巧妙地结束它们.


Other Useful Videos

想要改善人际关系或自我感觉更好? 有兴趣与其他学生进行深入而有意义的交流? 你是否注意到你想要改变或更好地理解你的关系模式? 你在社交场合挣扎或焦虑吗? 你想要关于你如何与他人相处的诚实反馈吗? This group will provide a safe, 支持空间来探索你的感受, connect with others, 并练习新的行为,最终可以带来更充实的关系.

In this group, members try to “think out loud” by expressing their thoughts and feelings about what others say or do in group. Members are also encouraged to ask other members for feedback in order to learn more about themselves and how others might perceive them. The main goal is for group members to determine possible changes that might improve their connections and interactions with others and themselves and then begin making these changes. Understanding Self and Others groups are a good match for those wanting a mixture of support and feedback regarding their goals and how they relate to others.

请联系小组协调人. Emily Kates,更多信息:617-552-3310 & emily.kates@sotanomc.net

Additional Resources on Group:

Group as a Laboratory

How to Get the Most Out of Group

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HEAL is a confidential, weekly, 为直接受到性侵犯影响的BC学生提供的支持小组. 这个小组是由大学咨询服务和妇女中心合作成立的. HEAL旨在协助会员达成以下目标:

  • 成员在他们的经历、感受和反应中不会感到孤独
  • Members will feel supported
  • 成员们将更好地了解性侵犯的影响
  • 成员将能够更好地应对性侵犯的影响
  • 成员会觉得他们可以支持别人
  • 成员们会感到不那么焦虑和害怕


有关HEAL的问题,请联系Eileen Suhrhoff博士 eileen. suhrhoff@sotanomc.net at University Counseling Services.

  • Together is a student-centered grief support group; an opportunity for anyone carrying grief at BC to get to see that they’re far from alone in this experience.

  • Sisters Let's Talk assists female students of color at BC to grow closer through discussing issues that are pertinent to their well-being.

  • 献身人民的知识分子 为AHANA男性提供了一个讨论影响他们社交的问题的空间, emotional, 精神和智力的成长,并发展技能,在一个白人占主导地位的机构中导航.

  • PRISM & TRANSCEND offers private, reflective, and welcoming spaces for LGBTQ students to meet and engage in meaningful discussion around identity development in support groups facilitated by graduate students.

  • Axios is a welcoming and affirming space for undergraduate students of the LGBTQ+ community and those who are questioning their sexuality to discuss the impact of religion and spirituality in their lives.

  • Alcohol Anonymous Meetings for students who are in recovery or exploring ways to de-emphasize the role of drugs and alcohol in their lives.

  • Restore is a confidential group that consists of members of the BC community who are children or siblings of someone who is or has been incarcerated, 联系Celeste Wells教授了解小组信息.
  • Zen Meditation is a group for students, faculty, 和员工一起学习正念和冥想的练习


Koru Mindfulness Sessions

Instructor:  Eileen Thompson

Register for February 2023 Workshops

Koru Flyer